Source code for tdc.utils.load

"""wrapper for download various dataset 
import requests
from zipfile import ZipFile
import os, sys
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import pickle
from pandas.errors import EmptyDataError
from tqdm import tqdm

from ..metadata import (
from ..metadata import (
from ..metadata import (
from ..metadata import (
from collections import defaultdict

receptor_names = list(receptor2id.keys())

from .misc import fuzzy_search, print_sys

[docs]def download_wrapper(name, path, dataset_names): """wrapper for downloading a dataset given the name and path, for csv,pkl,tsv files Args: name (str): the rough dataset query name path (str): the path to save the dataset dataset_names (list): the list of available dataset names to search the query dataset Returns: str: the exact dataset query name """ name = fuzzy_search(name, dataset_names) server_path = "" if name in name2idlist: for i, id in enumerate(name2idlist[name]): dataset_path = server_path + str(id) if not os.path.exists(path): os.mkdir(path) if os.path.exists( os.path.join(path, name + "-" + str(i + 1) + "." + name2type[name]) ): print_sys("Found local copy...") else: print_sys("Downloading...") dataverse_download(dataset_path, path, name, name2type, id=i + 1) return name else: dataset_path = server_path + str(name2id[name]) if not os.path.exists(path): os.mkdir(path) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, name + "." + name2type[name])): print_sys("Found local copy...") else: print_sys("Downloading...") dataverse_download(dataset_path, path, name, name2type) return name
[docs]def zip_data_download_wrapper(name, path, dataset_names): """wrapper for downloading a dataset given the name and path - zip file, automatically unzipping Args: name (str): the rough dataset query name path (str): the path to save the dataset dataset_names (list): the list of available dataset names to search the query dataset Returns: str: the exact dataset query name """ name = fuzzy_search(name, dataset_names) server_path = "" if name in name2idlist: for i, id in enumerate(name2idlist[name]): dataset_path = server_path + str(id) if not os.path.exists(path): os.mkdir(path) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, name + "-" + str(i + 1))): print_sys( f"Found local copy for {i+1}/{len(name2idlist[name])} file..." ) else: print_sys(f"Downloading {i+1}/{len(name2idlist[name])} file...") dataverse_download(dataset_path, path, name, name2type, id=i + 1) print_sys(f"Extracting zip {i+1}/{len(name2idlist[name])} file...") with ZipFile( os.path.join(path, name + "-" + str(i + 1) + ".zip"), "r" ) as zip: zip.extractall(path=os.path.join(path)) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, name)): os.mkdir(os.path.join(path, name)) for i in range(len(name2idlist[name])): os.system(f"mv {path}/{name}-{i+1}/* {path}/{name} 2>/dev/null") print_sys("Done!") else: dataset_path = server_path + str(name2id[name]) if not os.path.exists(path): os.mkdir(path) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, name)): print_sys("Found local copy...") else: print_sys("Downloading...") dataverse_download(dataset_path, path, name, name2type) print_sys("Extracting zip file...") with ZipFile(os.path.join(path, name + ".zip"), "r") as zip: zip.extractall(path=os.path.join(path)) print_sys("Done!") return name
[docs]def dataverse_download(url, path, name, types, id=None): """dataverse download helper with progress bar Args: url (str): the url of the dataset path (str): the path to save the dataset name (str): the dataset name types (dict): a dictionary mapping from the dataset name to the file format """ if id is None: save_path = os.path.join(path, name + "." + types[name]) else: save_path = os.path.join(path, name + "-" + str(id) + "." + types[name]) response = requests.get(url, stream=True) total_size_in_bytes = int(response.headers.get("content-length", 0)) block_size = 1024 progress_bar = tqdm(total=total_size_in_bytes, unit="iB", unit_scale=True) with open(save_path, "wb") as file: for data in response.iter_content(block_size): progress_bar.update(len(data)) file.write(data) progress_bar.close()
[docs]def oracle_download_wrapper(name, path, oracle_names): """wrapper for downloading an oracle model checkpoint given the name and path Args: name (str): the rough oracle query name path (str): the path to save the oracle dataset_names (list): the list of available exact oracle names Returns: str: the exact oracle query name """ name = fuzzy_search(name, oracle_names) if name in trivial_oracle_names: return name server_path = "" dataset_path = server_path + str(oracle2id[name]) if not os.path.exists(path): os.mkdir(path) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, name + "." + oracle2type[name])): print_sys("Found local copy...") else: print_sys("Downloading Oracle...") dataverse_download(dataset_path, path, name, oracle2type) ## to-do to-check print_sys("Done!") return name
[docs]def receptor_download_wrapper(name, path): """wrapper for downloading an receptor pdb file given the name and path Args: name (str): the exact pdbid path (str): the path to save the oracle Returns: str: the exact pdbid """ server_path = "" dataset_paths = [ server_path + str(receptor2id[name][0]), server_path + str(receptor2id[name][1]), ] if not os.path.exists(path): os.mkdir(path) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, name + ".pdbqt")) and os.path.exists( os.path.join(path, name + ".pdb") ): print_sys("Found local copy...") else: print_sys("Downloading receptor...") receptor2type = defaultdict(lambda: "pdbqt") dataverse_download( dataset_paths[0], path, name, receptor2type ) ## to-do to-check receptor2type = defaultdict(lambda: "pdb") dataverse_download( dataset_paths[1], path, name, receptor2type ) ## to-do to-check print_sys("Done!") return name
[docs]def bm_download_wrapper(name, path): """wrapper for downloading a benchmark group given the name and path Args: name (str): the rough benckmark group query name path (str): the path to save the benchmark group dataset_names (list): the list of available benchmark group names Returns: str: the exact benchmark group query name """ name = fuzzy_search(name, list(benchmark_names.keys())) server_path = "" dataset_path = server_path + str(benchmark2id[name]) if not os.path.exists(path): os.mkdir(path) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, name)): print_sys("Found local copy...") else: print_sys("Downloading Benchmark Group...") dataverse_download(dataset_path, path, name, benchmark2type) print_sys("Extracting zip file...") with ZipFile(os.path.join(path, name + ".zip"), "r") as zip: zip.extractall(path=os.path.join(path)) print_sys("Done!") return name
[docs]def pd_load(name, path): """load a pandas dataframe from local file. Args: name (str): dataset name path (str): the path where the dataset is saved Returns: pandas.DataFrame: loaded dataset in dataframe Raises: ValueError: the file format is not supported. currently only support tab/csv/pkl/zip """ try: if name2type[name] == "tab": df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(path, name + "." + name2type[name]), sep="\t") elif name2type[name] == "csv": df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(path, name + "." + name2type[name])) elif name2type[name] == "pkl": df = pd.read_pickle(os.path.join(path, name + "." + name2type[name])) elif name2type[name] == "zip": df = pd.read_pickle(os.path.join(path, name + "/" + name + ".pkl")) else: raise ValueError("The file type must be one of tab/csv/pickle/zip.") try: df = df.drop_duplicates() except: pass return df except (EmptyDataError, EOFError) as e: import sys sys.exit( "TDC is hosted in Harvard Dataverse and it is currently under maintenance, please check back in a few hours or checkout" )
[docs]def property_dataset_load(name, path, target, dataset_names): """a wrapper to download, process and load single-instance prediction task datasets Args: name (str): the rough dataset name path (str): the dataset path to save/retrieve target (str): for multi-label dataset, retrieve the label of interest dataset_names (list): a list of availabel exact dataset names Returns: pandas.Series: three series (entity representation, label, entity id) """ if target is None: target = "Y" name = download_wrapper(name, path, dataset_names) print_sys("Loading...") df = pd_load(name, path) try: if target is not None: target = fuzzy_search(target, df.columns.values) # df = df.T.drop_duplicates().T ### does not work # df2 = df.loc[:,~df.T.duplicated(keep='first')] ### does not work df2 = df.loc[:, ~df.columns.duplicated()] ### remove the duplicate columns df = df2 df = df[df[target].notnull()].reset_index(drop=True) except: with open(os.path.join(path, name + "." + name2type[name]), "r") as f: if name2type[name] == "pkl": import pickle file_content = pickle.load( open(os.path.join(path, name + "." + name2type[name]), "rb") ) else: file_content = " ".join(f.readlines()) flag = "Service Unavailable" in " ".join(file_content) # flag = 'Service Unavailable' in ' '.join(f.readlines()) if flag: import sys sys.exit( "TDC is hosted in Harvard Dataverse and it is currently under maintenance, please check back in a few hours or checkout" ) else: import sys sys.exit("Please report this error to, thanks!") try: return df["X"], df[target], df["ID"] except: return df["Drug"], df[target], df["Drug_ID"]
[docs]def interaction_dataset_load(name, path, target, dataset_names, aux_column): """a wrapper to download, process and load two-instance prediction task datasets Args: name (str): the rough dataset name path (str): the dataset path to save/retrieve target (str): for multi-label dataset, retrieve the label of interest dataset_names (list): a list of availabel exact dataset names Returns: pandas.Series: three series (entity 1 representation, entity 2 representation, entity id 1, entity id 2, label) """ name = download_wrapper(name, path, dataset_names) print_sys("Loading...") df = pd_load(name, path) try: if target is None: target = "Y" if target not in df.columns.values: # for binary interaction data, the labels are all 1. negative samples can be sampled from utils.NegSample function df[target] = 1 if target is not None: target = fuzzy_search(target, df.columns.values) df = df[df[target].notnull()].reset_index(drop=True) if aux_column is None: return df["X1"], df["X2"], df[target], df["ID1"], df["ID2"], "_" else: return df["X1"], df["X2"], df[target], df["ID1"], df["ID2"], df[aux_column] except: with open(os.path.join(path, name + "." + name2type[name]), "r") as f: flag = "Service Unavailable" in " ".join(f.readlines()) if flag: import sys sys.exit( "TDC is hosted in Harvard Dataverse and it is currently under maintenance, please check back in a few hours or checkout" ) else: import sys sys.exit("Please report this error to, thanks!")
[docs]def multi_dataset_load(name, path, dataset_names): """a wrapper to download, process and load multiple(>2)-instance prediction task datasets. assume the downloaded file is already processed Args: name (str): the rough dataset name path (str): the dataset path to save/retrieve target (str): for multi-label dataset, retrieve the label of interest dataset_names (list): a list of availabel exact dataset names Returns: pandas.DataFrame: the raw dataframe """ name = download_wrapper(name, path, dataset_names) print_sys("Loading...") df = pd_load(name, path) return df
[docs]def generation_paired_dataset_load(name, path, dataset_names, input_name, output_name): """a wrapper to download, process and load generation-paired task datasets Args: name (str): the rough dataset name path (str): the dataset path to save/retrieve target (str): for multi-label dataset, retrieve the label of interest dataset_names (list): a list of availabel exact dataset names Returns: pandas.Series: two series (entity 1 representation, label) """ name = download_wrapper(name, path, dataset_names) print_sys("Loading...") df = pd_load(name, path) return df[input_name], df[output_name]
[docs]def three_dim_dataset_load(name, path, dataset_names): """a wrapper to download, process and load 3d molecule task datasets Args: name (str): the rough dataset name path (str): the dataset path to save/retrieve dataset_names (list): a list of availabel exact dataset names Returns: pandas.DataFrame: the dataframe holds 3d information str: the path of the dataset str: the name of the dataset """ name = zip_data_download_wrapper(name, path, dataset_names) print_sys("Loading...") df = pd_load(name, path) return df, os.path.join(path, name), name
[docs]def distribution_dataset_load(name, path, dataset_names, column_name): """a wrapper to download, process and load molecule distribution learning task datasets. assume the downloaded file is already processed Args: name (str): the rough dataset name path (str): the dataset path to save/retrieve dataset_names (list): a list of availabel exact dataset names column_name (str): the column specifying where molecule locates Returns: pandas.Series: the input list of molecules representation """ name = download_wrapper(name, path, dataset_names) print_sys("Loading...") df = pd_load(name, path) return df[column_name]
[docs]def bi_distribution_dataset_load( name, path, dataset_names, return_pocket=False, threshold=15, remove_protein_Hs=True, remove_ligand_Hs=True, keep_het=False, ): """a wrapper to download, process and load protein-ligand conditional generation task datasets. assume the downloaded file is already processed Args: name (str): the rough dataset name path (str): the dataset path to save/retrieve dataset_names (list): a list of availabel exact dataset names Returns: pandas.Series: the input list of molecules representation """ name = fuzzy_search(name, dataset_names) if name in name2id or name in name2idlist: name = zip_data_download_wrapper(name, path, dataset_names) if name == "pdbbind": print_sys("Processing (this may take long)...") protein, ligand = process_pdbbind( path, name, return_pocket, remove_protein_Hs, remove_ligand_Hs, keep_het ) elif name == "dude": print_sys("Processing (this may take long)...") if return_pocket: raise ImportError("DUD-E does not support pocket extraction yet") protein, ligand = process_dude( path, name, return_pocket, remove_protein_Hs, remove_ligand_Hs, keep_het ) elif name == "scpdb": print_sys("Processing (this may take long)...") protein, ligand = process_scpdb( path, name, return_pocket, remove_protein_Hs, remove_ligand_Hs, keep_het ) elif name == "crossdock": print_sys("Processing (this may take long)...") protein, ligand = process_crossdock( path, name, return_pocket, remove_protein_Hs, remove_ligand_Hs, keep_het ) return protein, ligand
[docs]def generation_dataset_load(name, path, dataset_names): """a wrapper to download, process and load generation task datasets. assume the downloaded file is already processed Args: name (str): the rough dataset name path (str): the dataset path to save/retrieve dataset_names (list): a list of availabel exact dataset names Returns: pandas.Series: the data series """ name = download_wrapper(name, path, dataset_names) print_sys("Loading...") df = pd_load(name, path) return df["input"], df["target"]
[docs]def oracle_load(name, path="./oracle", oracle_names=oracle_names): """a wrapper to download, process and load oracles. Args: name (str): the rough oracle name path (str): the oracle path to save/retrieve, defaults to './oracle' dataset_names (list): a list of availabel exact oracle names Returns: str: exact oracle name """ name = oracle_download_wrapper(name, path, oracle_names) return name
[docs]def receptor_load(name, path="./oracle"): """a wrapper to download, process and load pdb file. Args: name (str): the rough pdbid name path (str): the oracle path to save/retrieve, defaults to './oracle' Returns: str: exact pdbid name """ name = receptor_download_wrapper(name, path) return name
[docs]def bm_group_load(name, path): """a wrapper to download, process and load benchmark group Args: name (str): the rough benchmark group name path (str): the benchmark group path to save/retrieve Returns: str: exact benchmark group name """ name = bm_download_wrapper(name, path) return name
[docs]def process_pdbbind( path, name="pdbbind", return_pocket=False, threshold=15, remove_protein_Hs=True, remove_ligand_Hs=True, keep_het=False, ): """a processor to process pdbbind dataset Args: name (str): the name of the dataset path (str): the path to save the data file print_stats (bool): whether to print the basic statistics of the dataset return_pocket (bool): whether to return only protein pocket or full protein threshold (int): only enabled when return_pocket is to True, if pockets are not provided in the raw data, the threshold is used as a radius for a sphere around the ligand center to consider protein pocket remove_protein_Hs (bool): whether to remove H atoms from proteins or not remove_ligand_Hs (bool): whether to remove H atoms from ligands or not keep_het (bool): whether to keep het atoms (e.g. cofactors) in protein Returns: protein (dict): a dict of protein features ligand (dict): a dict of ligand features """ from rdkit import Chem, RDLogger RDLogger.DisableLog("rdApp.*") from biopandas.pdb import PandasPdb if os.path.exists(path): print_sys("Processing...") protein_coords, protein_atom_types = [], [] ligand_coords, ligand_atom_types = [], [] files = os.listdir(path) failure = 0 total_ct = 0 for idx, file in enumerate(tqdm(files)): if file == "readme" or file == "index": continue total_ct += 1 try: if return_pocket: protein = PandasPdb().read_pdb( os.path.join(path, f"{file}/{file}_pocket.pdb") ) else: protein = PandasPdb().read_pdb( os.path.join(path, f"{file}/{file}_protein.pdb") ) ligand = Chem.SDMolSupplier( os.path.join(path, f"{file}/{file}_ligand.sdf"), sanitize=False )[0] ligand = extract_atom_from_mol(ligand, remove_ligand_Hs) # if ligand contains unallowed atoms if ligand is None: continue else: ligand_coord, ligand_atom_type = ligand protein_coord, protein_atom_type = extract_atom_from_protein( protein.df["ATOM"], protein.df["HETATM"], remove_protein_Hs, keep_het, ) protein_coords.append(protein_coord) ligand_coords.append(ligand_coord) protein_atom_types.append(protein_atom_type) ligand_atom_types.append(ligand_atom_type) except: failure += 1 continue print_sys(f"processing done, {failure}/{total_ct} fails") protein = {"coord": protein_coords, "atom_type": protein_atom_types} ligand = {"coord": ligand_coords, "atom_type": ligand_atom_types} else: sys.exit("Wrong path!") return protein, ligand
[docs]def process_crossdock( path, name="crossdock", return_pocket=False, threshold=15, remove_protein_Hs=True, remove_ligand_Hs=True, keep_het=False, ): """a processor to process crossdock dataset Args: name (str): the name of the dataset path (str): the path to save the data file print_stats (bool): whether to print the basic statistics of the dataset return_pocket (bool): whether to return only protein pocket or full protein threshold (int): only enabled when return_pocket is to True, if pockets are not provided in the raw data, the threshold is used as a radius for a sphere around the ligand center to consider protein pocket remove_protein_Hs (bool): whether to remove H atoms from proteins or not remove_ligand_Hs (bool): whether to remove H atoms from ligands or not keep_het (bool): whether to keep het atoms (e.g. cofactors) in protein Returns: protein (dict): a dict of protein features ligand (dict): a dict of ligand features """ from rdkit import Chem, RDLogger RDLogger.DisableLog("rdApp.*") from biopandas.pdb import PandasPdb protein_coords, protein_atom_types = [], [] ligand_coords, ligand_atom_types = [], [] failure = 0 total_ct = 0 path = os.path.join(path, name) index_path = os.path.join(path, "index.pkl") index = pickle.load(open(index_path, "rb")) path = os.path.join(path, "crossdocked_pocket10") for idx, (pocket_fn, ligand_fn, _, rmsd) in enumerate(tqdm(index)): total_ct += 1 if pocket_fn is None or ligand_fn is None: continue try: if return_pocket: protein = PandasPdb().read_pdb(os.path.join(path, pocket_fn)) else: # full protein not stored in the preprocessed crossdock by Luo et al 2021 protein = PandasPdb().read_pdb(os.path.join(path, pocket_fn)) ligand = Chem.SDMolSupplier(os.path.join(path, ligand_fn), sanitize=False)[ 0 ] ligand = extract_atom_from_mol(ligand, remove_ligand_Hs) if ligand is None: continue else: ligand_coord, ligand_atom_type = ligand protein_coord, protein_atom_type = extract_atom_from_protein( protein.df["ATOM"], protein.df["HETATM"], remove_protein_Hs, keep_het ) protein_coords.append(protein_coord) ligand_coords.append(ligand_coord) protein_atom_types.append(protein_atom_type) ligand_atom_types.append(ligand_atom_type) except: failure += 1 continue print_sys(f"processing done, {failure}/{total_ct} fails") protein = {"coord": protein_coords, "atom_type": protein_atom_types} ligand = {"coord": ligand_coords, "atom_type": ligand_atom_types} return protein, ligand
[docs]def process_dude( path, name="dude", return_pocket=False, threshold=15, remove_protein_Hs=True, remove_ligand_Hs=True, keep_het=False, ): """a processor to process DUD-E dataset Args: name (str): the name of the dataset path (str): the path to save the data file print_stats (bool): whether to print the basic statistics of the dataset return_pocket (bool): whether to return only protein pocket or full protein threshold (int): only enabled when return_pocket is to True, if pockets are not provided in the raw data, the threshold is used as a radius for a sphere around the ligand center to consider protein pocket remove_protein_Hs (bool): whether to remove H atoms from proteins or not remove_ligand_Hs (bool): whether to remove H atoms from ligands or not keep_het (bool): whether to keep het atoms (e.g. cofactors) in protein Returns: protein (dict): a dict of protein features ligand (dict): a dict of ligand features """ from rdkit import Chem, RDLogger RDLogger.DisableLog("rdApp.*") from biopandas.pdb import PandasPdb protein_coords, protein_atom_types = [], [] ligand_coords, ligand_atom_types = [], [] path = os.path.join(path, name) files = os.listdir(path) failure = 0 total_ct = 0 for idx, file in enumerate(tqdm(files)): protein = PandasPdb().read_pdb(os.path.join(path, f"{file}/receptor.pdb")) if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, f"{file}/actives_final.sdf")): os.system(f"gzip -d {path}/{file}/actives_final.sdf.gz") crystal_ligand = Chem.MolFromMol2File( os.path.join(path, f"{file}/crystal_ligand.mol2"), sanitize=False ) crystal_ligand = extract_atom_from_mol(crystal_ligand, remove_ligand_Hs) if crystal_ligand is None: continue else: crystal_ligand_coord, crystal_ligand_atom_type = crystal_ligand ligands = Chem.SDMolSupplier( os.path.join(path, f"{file}/actives_final.sdf"), sanitize=False ) protein_coord, protein_atom_type = extract_atom_from_protein( protein.df["ATOM"], protein.df["HETATM"], remove_protein_Hs, keep_het ) protein_coords.append(protein_coord) ligand_coords.append(crystal_ligand_coord) protein_atom_types.append(protein_atom_type) ligand_atom_types.append(crystal_ligand_atom_type) for ligand in ligands: total_ct += 1 try: ligand = extract_atom_from_mol(ligand, remove_ligand_Hs) # if ligand contains unallowed atoms if ligand is None: continue else: ligand_coord, ligand_atom_type = ligand protein_coords.append(protein_coord) ligand_coords.append(ligand_coord) protein_atom_types.append(protein_atom_type) ligand_atom_types.append(ligand_atom_type) except: failure += 1 continue print_sys(f"processing done, {failure}/{total_ct} fails") protein = {"coord": protein_coords, "atom_type": protein_atom_types} ligand = {"coord": ligand_coords, "atom_type": ligand_atom_types} return protein, ligand
[docs]def process_scpdb( path, name="scPDB", return_pocket=False, threshold=15, remove_protein_Hs=True, remove_ligand_Hs=True, keep_het=False, ): """a processor to process scpdb dataset Args: name (str): the name of the dataset path (str): the path to save the data file print_stats (bool): whether to print the basic statistics of the dataset return_pocket (bool): whether to return only protein pocket or full protein threshold (int): only enabled when return_pocket is to True, if pockets are not provided in the raw data, the threshold is used as a radius for a sphere around the ligand center to consider protein pocket remove_protein_Hs (bool): whether to remove H atoms from proteins or not remove_ligand_Hs (bool): whether to remove H atoms from ligands or not keep_het (bool): whether to keep het atoms (e.g. cofactors) in protein Returns: protein (dict): a dict of protein features ligand (dict): a dict of ligand features """ from rdkit import Chem, RDLogger RDLogger.DisableLog("rdApp.*") from biopandas.mol2 import PandasMol2 protein_coords, protein_atom_types = [], [] ligand_coords, ligand_atom_types = [], [] path = os.path.join(path, name) files = os.listdir(path) failure = 0 total_ct = 0 for idx, file in enumerate(tqdm(files)): total_ct += 1 try: if return_pocket: protein = PandasMol2().read_mol2( os.path.join(path, f"{file}/site.mol2") ) else: protein = PandasMol2().read_mol2( os.path.join(path, f"{file}/protein.mol2") ) ligand = Chem.SDMolSupplier( os.path.join(path, f"{file}/ligand.sdf"), sanitize=False )[0] ligand = extract_atom_from_mol(ligand, remove_Hs=remove_ligand_Hs) # if ligand contains unallowed atoms if ligand is None: continue else: ligand_coord, ligand_atom_type = ligand protein_coord, protein_atom_type = extract_atom_from_protein( protein.df, None, remove_Hs=remove_protein_Hs, keep_het=False ) protein_coords.append(protein_coord) ligand_coords.append(ligand_coord) protein_atom_types.append(protein_atom_type) ligand_atom_types.append(ligand_atom_type) except: failure += 1 continue print_sys(f"processing done, {failure}/{total_ct} fails") protein = {"coord": protein_coords, "atom_type": protein_atom_types} ligand = {"coord": ligand_coords, "atom_type": ligand_atom_types} return protein, ligand
[docs]def atom_to_one_hot(atom, allowed_atom_list): """a helper to convert atom to one-hot encoding Args: atom (str): the atom to convert allowed_atom_list (list(str)): atom types allowed to include Returns: new_atom (numpy.array): atom one-hot encoding vector """ length = len(allowed_atom_list) atom = allowed_atom_list.index(atom) new_atom = np.zeros(shape=(length,)) new_atom[atom] = 1 return new_atom
[docs]def extract_atom_from_mol(rdmol, remove_Hs): """a helper to extract molecule atom information Args: rdmol (rdkit.rdmol): rdkit molecule remove_Hs (bool): whether to remove H atoms from ligands or not Returns: coord (numpy.array): atom types atom_type (numpy.array): atom coordinates """ coord = [ list(rdmol.GetConformer(0).GetAtomPosition(idx)) for idx in range(rdmol.GetNumAtoms()) if not remove_Hs or rdmol.GetAtomWithIdx(idx).GetAtomicNum() != 1 ] atom_type = [ atom.GetAtomicNum() for atom in rdmol.GetAtoms() if not remove_Hs or atom.GetAtomicNum() != 1 ] return np.array(coord), np.array(atom_type)
[docs]def extract_atom_from_protein(data_frame, data_frame_het, remove_Hs, keep_het): """a helper to extract protein atom information Args: data_frame (pandas.dataframe): protein atom data_frame_het (pandas.dataframe): protein het atom remove_Hs (bool): whether to remove H atoms from proteins or not keep_het (bool): whether to keep het atoms (e.g. cofactors) in protein Returns: coord (numpy.array): atom types atom_type (numpy.array): atom coordinates """ from rdkit import RDLogger from rdkit.Chem import GetPeriodicTable RDLogger.DisableLog("rdApp.*") periodic_table = GetPeriodicTable() if keep_het and data_frame_het is not None: data_frame = pd.concat([data_frame, data_frame_het]) if remove_Hs: data_frame = data_frame[data_frame["atom_name"].str.startswith("H") == False] data_frame.reset_index(inplace=True, drop=True) x = ( data_frame["x_coord"].to_numpy() if "x_coord" in data_frame else data_frame["x"].to_numpy() ) y = ( data_frame["y_coord"].to_numpy() if "y_coord" in data_frame else data_frame["y"].to_numpy() ) z = ( data_frame["z_coord"].to_numpy() if "z_coord" in data_frame else data_frame["z"].to_numpy() ) x = np.expand_dims(x, axis=1) y = np.expand_dims(y, axis=1) z = np.expand_dims(z, axis=1) coord = np.concatenate((x, y, z), axis=1) atom_type = data_frame["atom_name"].to_numpy() ret_atom_type, ret_coord = [], [] for i, atom in enumerate(atom_type): try: ret_atom_type.append(periodic_table.GetAtomicNumber(atom[0])) ret_coord.append(coord[i]) except: continue return np.array(ret_coord), np.array(ret_atom_type)
[docs]def general_load(name, path, sep): """a wrapper to download, process and load any pandas dataframe files Args: name (str): the dataset name path (str): the data save path Returns: pandas.DataFrame: data frame """ name = download_wrapper(name, path, name) print_sys("Loading...") df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(path, name + "." + name2type[name]), sep=sep) return df